Entries by Lianna Namanya

New Office for KCC

KCC offices have shifted from a little office in an old closet to a beautiful, spacious home on the corner of the main road in town. KCC’s new office is in a better place whereby each staff member has their own office and workspace. However, the nurse and the social worker share the same room […]

KCC New Staff

  Kabale Christian Care employed six new staff in this quarter and they have all performed so well in their endeavors. KCC hired a community health nurse, Christine, who assesses and visits patients in the villages and designated areas where every patient is located, which is done together with the community volunteers. KCC has a […]

KCC Seeing More Patients

  KCC’s patients have increased, but unfortunately, so have the number of deaths. We lost three patients in the last three months, which is never easy. However, the numbers of patients have increased from 27- 42 and many more are to come due to the research that KCC did through health facilities around Kabale town […]